OMNI Superfood for Women

(5 customer reviews)

OMNI Superfood for women can assist with:
– Weight Loss & Toning*
– Hormone Balance*
– Radiant Skin*

OMNI Superfood is tuned to your needs a woman – it contains a special kind of maca, red maca, which is especially suitable for women. It can help to fix deficiencies, top up your nutrition and to promote a healthy new lifestyle*.

Before you decide to buy, check out the reviews on the Reviews tab, or read more about the amazing ingredients in OMNI Superfood for Women:

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Instructions for preparation

  • To use as a nutritional supplement for breakfast, lunch or dinner: Add 1 or 2 tablespoons of OMNI superfood to 350ml of water or coconut water,add 1 or 2 bananas and a handful of berries. Blend well & enjoy!
  • To use as a fitness, weight loss and toning* supplement: Add 1 or 2 tablespoons to water or coconut water and drink 40 minutes before and immediately after your workout. Shake well & enjoy!

Hormone balance

The organic red maca root contained in OMNI Superfood is especially suited for women. It is responsible for support of the endocrine system as well as the adrenal and thyroid glands. It typically improves one’s mood and helps support healthy hormone production*.
Check out the many other benefits of organic maca root.

Weight loss and toning

Feeling good in your body is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Whether you want to look great in your new dress, on the beach, or just feel outstanding in your own skin, OMNI superfood can help you to get there. Full of naturally organically grown, vegan and vegetarian-friendly ingredients, it gives your body the right nourishment it needs to become healthier and more beautiful than ever.

Plant-based proteins are much more absorbable by our bodies than animal-based ones; they also take less energy to be digested, which can mean a gain in energy*. The high amount of minerals and vitamins present can help you to become more toned and help you with food cravings, losing weight naturally* without suppressing yourself or going on diets. OMNI Superfood is here to help you with your new better-than-ever lifestyle.

Radiant skin & relief from PMS

The skin is the largest organ of our body. Any toxins we ingest are purified by our kidneys and liver. However, some of it gets released through our skin, which can cause acne and other skin-related discomforts. The elasticity of our skin changes as we age. When our body has enough essential minerals and vitamins and is supplied with enough vitamin E our skin is radiantly beautiful*.

OMNI Superfood contains natural vitamins and minerals to support healthy and radiant skin. It contains high amounts of Iron, Magnesium and Manganese, which are the 3 basic minerals that women lose due to their monthly cycle. It can restore deficiencies caused by this, and help with period pains and PMS*.

* Disclaimer: Your experiences from taking superfoods may vary depending on your individual nutrition and health circumstances. We cannot guarantee any specific results.

What women say about OMNI Superfood Female Blend

Testimonials are all from verified customers, for illustrative purposes only. Like any retailer, we cannot guarantee specific results. In the end, your own experience is what counts.


"Definitely worth the money" As a young woman working and studying full time, I had debilitating exhaustion. In the past, I had no energy and found it hard to manage simple things. I could not fully concentrate and I was ill nearly every two months. Luckily, I came across this amazing product. I could not be happier with my decision to give it a try as the results are astonishing. I feel like a different person, having lots of energy, my skin is softer and I often receive compliments that I look much younger. I make a smoothie with OMNI superfood every morning, adding one banana, a bit of berries with filtered water, and blend it all together. It tastes delicious and you can add any other organic food/fruit to keep the tastes interesting. It is definitely worth the money as we have only one health. No health no wealth. Enjoy the new life style!!!
OMNI Superfood
"Definitely worth the money" As a young woman working and studying full time, I had debilitating exhaustion. In the past, I had no energy and found it hard to manage simple things. I could not fully concentrate and I was ill nearly every two months. Luckily, I came across this amazing product. I could not be happier with my decision to give it a try as the results are astonishing. I feel like a different person, having lots of energy, my skin is softer and I often receive compliments that I look much younger. I make a smoothie with OMNI superfood every morning, adding one banana, a bit of berries with filtered water, and blend it all together. It tastes delicious and you can add any other organic food/fruit to keep the tastes interesting. It is definitely worth the money as we have only one health. No health no wealth. Enjoy the new life style!!!
Kasia Jay superfood testimonial
Kasia Jay superfood testimonial

Kasia Jay

"Natural vegetarian protein" I have tried many types of protein supplement out there, but all of them caused bloating and heavy feeling in my stomach. Omni Protein Powder was the first vegan protein I have ever tried and it had no uncomfortable effects! It tasted "healthy" and gave me energy straight away! As a natural, vegetarian protein, this is the best protein meal replacement available. I use it when I'm hungry and don't have enough time to eat at work. I use it when I have my taught kickboxing class with my trainer. I also use it as a flour replacement to bake my superfood protein cookies! They taste delicious!
OMNI Superfood
Kasia Jay superfood testimonial
"Natural vegetarian protein" I have tried many types of protein supplement out there, but all of them caused bloating and heavy feeling in my stomach. Omni Protein Powder was the first vegan protein I have ever tried and it had no uncomfortable effects! It tasted "healthy" and gave me energy straight away! As a natural, vegetarian protein, this is the best protein meal replacement available. I use it when I'm hungry and don't have enough time to eat at work. I use it when I have my taught kickboxing class with my trainer. I also use it as a flour replacement to bake my superfood protein cookies! They taste delicious!
Carine superfood testimonial
Carine superfood testimonial

Carine Jane

"Healthy food is the key" My biggest problem was sweets; before I could have lived on gummy bears, but with Ondrej's help and omnifood every morning I managed to cut off sugar from my diet and lose weight. After 3 weeks I could see drastic results on my figure. Ondrej's positive and caring advice and support help me to focus on what I really wanted and how I could achieve it, even if I am still craving for sugar from time to time, now I know which fruits and vegetables can help me to get the good sugar. I have changed my snacking habits, now my skin, nails and hair are healthier and I am happier!! Healthy food is the key to an healthier body and mind, seems obvious now, but it didn't a few months back.
OMNI Superfood
Carine superfood testimonial
"Healthy food is the key" My biggest problem was sweets; before I could have lived on gummy bears, but with Ondrej's help and omnifood every morning I managed to cut off sugar from my diet and lose weight. After 3 weeks I could see drastic results on my figure. Ondrej's positive and caring advice and support help me to focus on what I really wanted and how I could achieve it, even if I am still craving for sugar from time to time, now I know which fruits and vegetables can help me to get the good sugar. I have changed my snacking habits, now my skin, nails and hair are healthier and I am happier!! Healthy food is the key to an healthier body and mind, seems obvious now, but it didn't a few months back.
Barbara superfood testimonial
Barbara superfood testimonial

Barbara Morgan

"Happier, healthier lifestyle" After spending a long time feeling lacklustre, tired and bloated with painful cramps every month, it was suggested I try the OMNI Superfood Women's blend. I am happy to say my energy has returned, the pain and bloated feeling have disappeared, and with regular exercise my body is returning to peak condition. With the super foods I feel full all day and have no cravings because mixed with fruit, I am getting all the nutrition I need. I would definitely suggest trying it. For me it has been the catalyst for a happier, healthier lifestyle and I would not hesitate to recommend it to all my clients.
OMNI Superfood
Barbara superfood testimonial
"Happier, healthier lifestyle" After spending a long time feeling lacklustre, tired and bloated with painful cramps every month, it was suggested I try the OMNI Superfood Women's blend. I am happy to say my energy has returned, the pain and bloated feeling have disappeared, and with regular exercise my body is returning to peak condition. With the super foods I feel full all day and have no cravings because mixed with fruit, I am getting all the nutrition I need. I would definitely suggest trying it. For me it has been the catalyst for a happier, healthier lifestyle and I would not hesitate to recommend it to all my clients.
Julia superfood testimonial
Julia superfood testimonial


"Definitely worth it!" I start using OMNI super food a year and half ago and I definitely recommend it. It is worth spending the money! Being a full time student and worker, I was struggling with constant lack of energy. After trying this product I started to feel much more energetic, positive and I lost over 5 kilograms. I used to have skin problem (acne), but since I tried OMNI blend my skin got better and I do not feel uncomfortable being around people anymore. I add OMNI blend to my morning porridge or smoothie and I am enjoying it every time I have it. Not only my body has transformed from being lethargic to energetic, but my overall well-being increased. Definitely worth trying!
OMNI Superfood
Julia superfood testimonial
"Definitely worth it!" I start using OMNI super food a year and half ago and I definitely recommend it. It is worth spending the money! Being a full time student and worker, I was struggling with constant lack of energy. After trying this product I started to feel much more energetic, positive and I lost over 5 kilograms. I used to have skin problem (acne), but since I tried OMNI blend my skin got better and I do not feel uncomfortable being around people anymore. I add OMNI blend to my morning porridge or smoothie and I am enjoying it every time I have it. Not only my body has transformed from being lethargic to energetic, but my overall well-being increased. Definitely worth trying!
PMS Testimonial by Asya about OMNI Superfood
PMS Testimonial by Asya about OMNI Superfood


"My PMS has cleared!" My acne was down to missing essential minerals in my diet that affected the hormones in my monthly cycle. My acne has cleared and so too has my PMS! I am eternally grateful as it has solved an issue that I deemed unsolvable, and also given me the confidence and energy that I have always wanted.
OMNI Superfood
PMS Testimonial by Asya about OMNI Superfood
"My PMS has cleared!" My acne was down to missing essential minerals in my diet that affected the hormones in my monthly cycle. My acne has cleared and so too has my PMS! I am eternally grateful as it has solved an issue that I deemed unsolvable, and also given me the confidence and energy that I have always wanted.

5 reviews for OMNI Superfood for Women

  1. Jenny

    Thank you Omnisuperfood, I have lost 8 pounds on couple of weeks and feel amazing!

  2. barbara morgan

    Great energy booster. I am never hungry and now have a much more balanced diet which reflects in my general health.

  3. carine

    Thanks to Omnisuperfood iam now a superwoman :). Not yet but I do feel better my skin, hair and nails are healthier and stronger, moods swing are completely gone and i have less sugar craving.

  4. Vendula (verified owner)

    I love Omnisuperfood. When I use it I don’t have sugar cravings, my skin is clear and healthier and over all I feel more energetic. I use it before and after my workout and I feel that my body recovers quicker. On my rest days I have it in my smoothie in the morning it’s my energy booster. I’ve tried a few superfood blends but this one is the best. I highly recommend it.

  5. Beth Heddle

    Unlike quite a lot of protein shakes, this actually blends to a smooth drink. It doesn’t taste bitter (the maca sweetens it) and is really nice!!

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