Organic Hemp Protein

Hemp Protein

Hemp is one of the plant kingdom’s most concentrated, complete and balanced sources of essential amino acids and essential fatty acids.


Hemp is a resilient and fast-growing plant, one of the oldest domesticated crops in the world. Although the use of hemp protein powder is now quite fashionable, actually the use of hemp dates back to approximately 8,000 BC. Hemp (Latin: cannabis indica) is distinguished from Cannabis (Latin: cannabis sativa) by, among other things, not being psychoactive! Hemp is used in cosmetics, as a raw industrial material, and as a unique foodstuff. The oil from hemp seeds, and the seeds themselves, have remarkable nutritional properties. We use a quality organic hemp protein powder in our superfood products.

The two main proteins in hemp seed are edestin (65%) and albumin (35%). Both of these high-quality storage proteins are easily digested and contain nutritionally significant amounts of all the essential amino acids. Hemp is therefore rare among plant proteins in being considered a “complete” protein.

Benefits of hemp protein

Shelled hemp seed is 35% protein, 47% fat (the healthy kind), and 12% carbohydrate. Hemp contains all 20 amino acids, including the nine essential ones that the body needs but does not produce. It has 3 times more vitamin E than flax seeds.
Hemp contains proteins that build muscle and strengthen ligaments, tendons, organs, glands, nails, hair, body fluids and nearly all aspects of microscopic cellular machinery*.
There is no other food source that contains Omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids. These are powerful antioxidants that protect our skin from excessive sun exposure, improve our immune system and have potential anti-inflammatory properties*.
Hemp Seeds are rich in essential nutrients including Chlorophyll.
VITAMINS: E, C, B1, B2, B3, B6.

MINERALS: Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Sulfur, Calcium, Iron, Manganese, Zinc Sodium, Silicon, Copper Platinum, Boron, Nickel, Germanium, Tin, Iodine, Chromium, Silver, Lithium.

* Disclaimer: Your experiences from taking superfoods may vary depending on your individual nutrition and health circumstances. We cannot guarantee any specific results.

Scientific research into hemp

We encourage you to do your own searches for independent research into the potential benefits of including hemp in the diet. A few interesting studies:
The cardiac and haemostatic effects of dietary hempseed by Delfin Rodriguez-Leyva1, and Grant N Pierce
Cholesterol-induced stimulation of platelet aggregation is prevented by a hempseed-enriched diet by Prociuk MA, Edel AL, Richard MN, Gavel NT, Ander BP, Dupasquier CM, Pierce GN.
Beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acids in cardiovascular disease. by Freeman LM.

Video about hemp seeds

OMNI Superfood products that contain hemp protein